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How to use Custom Fields in LoudCrowd

Custom Fields allow you to ditch the messy spreadsheets when it comes to keeping details on your ambassadors, communities, and influencers

Lauren McClurg avatar
Written by Lauren McClurg
Updated over a week ago

Custom Fields live in a customer's profile and are designed to provide extra details about an account that you may find important. Custom Fields can be set up by either your dedicated client strategist, or another client strategy representative ([email protected]) only. At this time, you are unable to edit which custom fields are offered at sign-up and will need to reach out to your dedicated client strategist in order to do make these edits.

Once set up, custom fields are simple for you to update and reference. Moreover, custom fields can be connected to your LoudCrowd ambassador program, therefore being an easy source of valuable data on your social communities.

How do I set up Custom Fields?

  1. Decide what Custom Fields are important to you. By default, LoudCrowd has preset custom fields for Email, Instagram handle, and TikTok Handle. Other Custom Fields that may be of interest to you:

    1. YouTube / Twitter / Pinterest / Facebook Profile

    2. Mailing Address

    3. Country

    4. Age / Birthday / DOB

    5. Occupation

    6. University

    7. Membership Number

    8. Favorite Product

    9. Size

    10. Interests

    However, you can really include any question!

  2. Contact your dedicated client strategist or [email protected] with your list of Custom Fields. You'll be notified once the new custom fields have been attached to your account.

  3. Start populating your customer data. Contact your dedicated client strategist or [email protected] if you need assistance uploading customer data in bulk from a spreadsheet.

  4. Determine whether you want to add the Custom Field to your LoudCrowd ambassador program sign up modal (like below). The data will then start automatically populating for any of the new program sign ups after the field has been added.

How do I edit customer details via Custom Fields?

  1. Just use the Edit button in the customer details section of their profile.

  2. A popup box should appear, allowing you to fill in or update the data.

  3. If you need data updated in bulk, like from a spreadsheet, contact your dedicated client strategist or [email protected] for help.

What are the different custom field types that I can select from?

  1. Text (open field or fill-in-the-blank)

  2. Date (i.e., MM-DD-YY)

  3. Checkbox

  4. Select (where customers select from a drop-down list)

  5. True/False (or Yes/No)

What other things can I do with Custom Fields?

  • Include Custom Fields in your Program / Social CRM exports. For example, say you had a custom field for region in the US and wanted to compare your UGC metrics across focus and non-focus metrics. More on exporting your data here.

  • Filter your Social CRM / Program dashboard by Custom Fields (like any other filter).

  • Send surprise and delight rewards based on Custom Fields. Just filter, select all, and send gift! More on social gifting here.

  • Bulk add people to a segment based on their Custom Fields. Just filter, select all, and add to segment. More on segments here.

  • If your ambassador program is application based, Custom Fields may be crucial to deciding who gets accepted or not.

All in all, ditch your messy spreadsheet and keep customer details, metrics, content, and notes all in one place! On top of that, easily send gifts, add to segments, and download content from the same customer profile page.

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