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How to Repurpose UGC

Learn how to make the most of your UGC

Alexa Ferrara avatar
Written by Alexa Ferrara
Updated over a week ago

How to Repurpose your UGC

You launched your program, ambassadors are signing up, and you’re getting new UGC every day…now what? Don’t stop there! UGC can be repurposed in several different ways to enhance your brand’s content strategy.

Re-share in Your Own Feed

The most straightforward way to repurpose UGC is to re-share it on your own page. Re-sharing content either as a story or in-feed post is a great way to enrich your content pillars and boost your engagement rate. A few ways you can package UGC as your own content include:

  • This/That story polls

  • Weekly roundups

  • Product highlights

  • Program reminders (be sure to include a story link or link in bio)

In addition to re-sharing on your feed, you can also turn your favorite pieces of UGC into boosted posts on Instagram. The easiest way to share promoted content is to use Facebook Ads Manager to start a campaign. However, you can also boost content that you’ve already shared in your feed directly from the post.

Every audience will react differently, but there’s no doubt that UGC can outperform professional imagery in both organic and paid posts. However you choose to re-share your community’s UGC, be sure to give credit to the creators with a tag or mention.

Include in Drip Campaigns

UGC is perfect to use in your email drip campaigns. If you’re highlighting a specific product or line, it’s easy to pull from your content library and include your best UGC as a featured image. Try creating a content label (i.e. New Fall Line) and adding any UGC featuring those products to the label. From here, you can favorite pieces of content when drafting the email.

Drip campaigns are also a great way to remind your email audience about your ambassador program. Create a regular content label (i.e. Email Content) in LoudCrowd and add any UGC to the content label that you’d potentially use in an email campaign. When drafting the email, you can quickly pull images from this content label and drop them in the module. Don’t forget to add a link to apply to the program.

Feature on your Website

Your content library on LoudCrowd should be the first place you look when trying to source website imagery. You can download hi-resolution images and videos directly from the LoudCrowd platform, making it easy to to liven up your website pages.

UGC featured on Dew Edit Website

Reminder that any UGC that comes from the ambassadors in your program has full permission to be used as marketing collateral for your brand. If you want to use content from a customer that isn't yet in a program, reach out to them and tag the post with “Permission Granted” once you get their approval.

Further Reading:

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