The Product Picker Collections within your Program Settings gives you the ability to select as many collections as you'd like via Shopify for your Shoppable Ambassador Program. The collections you select will then appear for every Ambassador to select their favorite products from, to then showcase on their Ambassador page.
Where can I find the Product Picker Collections?
Go to the Programs tab -> Programs Settings. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page.
How do I select my collections?
Click the +Add Collection button, then select the checkboxes of the collections you'd like to highlight.
Why can't I see my collections?
Ensure you have integrated your Shopify with LoudCrowd, by following these instructions here. If you are still not seeing a collection, reach out to your dedicated Client Strategist.
How often can I swap out my collections?
You can change your selected collections as often as you'd like. Make sure to click the purple save button in the bottom right corner anytime you change out your collections, to save your work.
How many collections can I have selected at once?
There is no limit to the number of collections you can select.
How do I remove a collection from the product picker?
Click the trash can icon to the right hand side to remove a collection from the product picker.
I want my collections to appear in a specific order for the Ambassador, how do I do that?
Click on the 4 dots to the lefthand side of the collection name and slide the collection name to arrange the order you'd like.
I want to have an ambassador program specific collection with specific products, how do I do that?
You can create new collections in Shopify. For more information on how to create collections, click here.
Do the Ambassadors see the name of the collection while picking their products?
Yes, they will see the name of the collection while choosing their products. Ensure all of your selected collections can be customer facing.
If you need to update any of your collection names, click here to learn how to do so.
βStill need help?
Reach out to [email protected] and our Customer Success team will be happy to assist you!