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How to integrate with Emarsys

A step by step guide to sending comms through Emarsys

Gary Garofalo avatar
Written by Gary Garofalo
Updated over 7 months ago

Are you using Emarsys to send rewards and emails through LoudCrowd? See below for a step-by-step guide on how to successfully set this up.


  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab in LoudCrowd.

  2. Select 'Add Integration' in the Outbound section

  3. Select 'Emarsys'

  4. Add in the API Key from Emarsys Settings

    1. The Emarsys API endpoints that LoudCrowd hits are 'contact.create' and 'externalevent.trigger'

  5. Add in the API Secret from Emarsys Settings

Setting up the external event in Emarsys

  1. Navigate to 'Management' > 'Data Management' > 'External Event' in Emarsys

  2. Click 'Create External Event'

  3. Add in External Event details

    1. Name

    2. Click save

  4. Copy the External Event ID generated by Emarsys for use in the LoudCrowd Event ID field in the steps below.

Setting up the reward in LoudCrowd

  1. Navigate to the rewards tab in LoudCrowd.

  2. Click '+ add reward'

  3. Add in Reward details

    1. Name

    2. Reward method: Emarsys

    3. Add the External Event ID generated by Emarsys

    4. Click save

Create Automated Campaigns

  1. Navigate to

  2. Login

  3. In the app navigation, navigate to 'Automation' > 'Automation Programs'

  4. Create your desired automation and name it

  5. Select the LoudCrowd external event as a trigger for the automation.

  6. Proceed with setting up your email subject, preview lines, Template and tracking parameters if necessary.

  7. You can now set up your reward in LoudCrowd and connect it to an Emarsys email. You can test the email by sending yourself the reward in the LoudCrowd app.

Dynamic Properties

Via LoudCrowd's Emarsys integration, we can send several dynamic properties that can be used in communications. To use these properties in an email, add an 'ESL Snippet' to the email with the specified formatting, or create a Personalization Token for each property so that you can easily pull in the data in the future.

Note: If you are using a custom field outside of the standard Social CRM fields, ask your Client Strategist for more information on how that data is sent over. Generally, custom questions and fields will be sent over with special characters and spaces removed.

Example Custom Field:

"Are you an existing customer?"

Example of how the external event data will be received and pulled into Emarsys:

{{ event.areyouanexistingcustomer }}

Name: {{ event.first_name }}

  • Description: This is the same as the first name field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "Henry"

Name: {{ event.last_name }}

  • Description: This is the same as the last name field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "Smith"

Name: {{ }}

  • Description: This is the same as the email field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "[email protected]"

Name: {{ event.phone_number }}

  • Description: This is the same as the phone number field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "+1-629-589-8091"

Name: {{ event.location.address1 }}

  • Description: This is the same as the address field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "71226 Courtney Village Suite 950\nWest Kristenstad, KS 41298"

Name: {{ event.location.address2 }}

  • Description: This is the same as the address field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "71226 Courtney Village Suite 950\nWest Kristenstad, KS 41298"

Name: {{ }}

  • Description: This is the same as the city field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "Austin"

Name: {{ }}

  • Description: This is the same as the country field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "United States of America"

Name: {{ event.location.region }}

  • Description: This is the same as the region field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "Maine"

Name: {{ }}

  • Description: This is the same as the zip code field on the member's CRM profile in the LoudCrowd app

  • Example output: "41298"

Name: {{ event.brandName }}

  • Description: This is the same as the name field on the account table.

  • Example output: "LoudCrowd"

Name: {{ event.brandLogoUrl }}

  • Description: This is a source URL to the brand's logo file. This is pulled from the program attached to this event, specifically the program’s ecomm store.

  • Example output: <logo image>

Name: {{ event.programName }}

  • Description: This is the name field on the program table for the program attached to this reward event (e.g. signup, approval, instant reward, monthly reward). Manual gifted rewards not tied to a program will not have this.

  • Example output: "LoudCrowd Creator Storefronts"

Name: {{ event.discountCode }}

  • Description: This is a single-use reward code that can be redeemed by a user.

  • Example output: "LC-10"

Name: {{ }}

  • Description: This delivers a user's pin associated with a reward code (when applicable).

  • Example output: "12345"

Name: {{ event.affiliateCode }}

  • Description: This delivers a user's affiliate code, which is specific to the program attached to this reward event.

  • Example output: "JOHNDOE"

Name: {{ event.affiliateCommissionPercentage }}

  • Description: This delivers a user's affiliate commission percentage, which is specific to the program attached to this reward event.

  • Example output: 15.0

Name: {{ event.affiliateCodeDiscountMessage }}

  • Description: This is text that says the discount value when an affiliate code is used.

  • Example output: "$15.0 off", "15.0% off"

Name: {{ event.affiliateLinkDiscountMessage }}

  • Description: This is text that says the discount value when an affiliate link is used.

  • Example output: "$15 off", "15% off"

Name: {{ event.editStorefrontUrl }}

  • Description: This is a pre-auth'd link that logs the user directly into their Storefront to pick products.

  • Example output: <link>

Name: {{ event.viewDashboard }}

  • Description: This is a pre-auth'd link that takes the user directly to their Creator Hub dashboard.

  • Example output: <link>

Name: {{ event.shoppableAmbassadorLink }}

  • Description: This returns a user's affiliate link (could be a storefront link or a standard affiliate link)

  • Example output: <link>

Name: {{ event.igUsername }}

  • Description: This returns a user's Instagram Username

  • Example output: "loudcrowdinc"

Name: {{ event.ttUsername }}

  • Description: This returns a user's TikTok username

  • Example output: "loudcrowdinc"

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