Are you using BlueCore to send rewards and emails through LoudCrowd? See below for a step-by-step guide on how to successfully set this up.
Navigate to the Integrations tab in LoudCrowd.
Select 'Add Integration'
Select 'Bluecore'
Add in the API Key from Bluecore Settings
Namespace: Input your brand name here
Create Automated Campaigns
Navigate to
On the left Nav Bar, select the flag Icon and then Automated Campaigns
4. Create a folder titled "LoudCrowd"
5. In the folder, click the + New in the top right corner. Select 'Automated Campaigns'
6. Select 'Transactional'
7. Select 'API'
8. Select 'custom' action
9. Proceed with setting up your email subject, preview lines, Template and tracking parameters if necessary.
10. On the final screen of the email (summary) before clicking save, scroll to the bottom where it says Campaign_id. Grab that 16- digit number and save for the next step.
Setting up the reward in LoudCrowd
Navigate to the rewards tab in LoudCrowd.
Click '+ add reward'
Add in Reward details
Reward method: BLUECORE
Add the campaign ID from the step above
Click save
4. Once you have set up your reward in LoudCrowd and Bluecore email. Reach out to your client strategist to support with the final setup! Once this is complete you can test the reward by sending yourself a reward.