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Publishing Ambassador Hub Updates to Live Shopify Theme

Publishing updates for account pages and the Ambassador Hub to the Live Theme.

Gary Garofalo avatar
Written by Gary Garofalo
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: There are several methods to making updates to your Live Theme. Your LoudCrowd Client Strategist will work with you at the beginning of your launch project to determine which go live steps are best for you. LoudCrowd can coordinate with your ecomm manager and/or web development team to accommodate your standard processes for managing and deploying theme changes. The page go-live steps below can be managed by LoudCrowd, or handed off to your assigned team.

Option 1 (More common): Move updates from LoudCrowd copy theme into your live theme

The following migration steps should be done in your Live theme. Once your migration is complete, view the Live theme and follow the same testing steps that you did when you tested the Copy theme.

1. Turn on LoudCrowd app ON in Theme Editor > App Embeds

  • Click Customize on the Live theme and go to App Embeds.

  • Make sure LoudCrowd is turned ON and the secret exists.

  • If the secret is empty, request you can refer to the LoudCrowd copy theme – copy & paste it into the same place in your live theme.

  • Save

  • Contact your Client Strategist to request your secret if you are unable to locate it

2. Copy the LoudCrowd page template code from the copy to the live theme

  • Open “Edit Code” in both your Copy theme and their Live theme. It’s easiest to put these in two windows next to each other so you can easily copy/paste.

  • Ambassador Hub

    • In the Copy theme code editor, find the ambassador-hub page template. Copy the entire page

    • In the Live theme code editor, find the same page template. Paste everything you copied.

    • Save

  • Ambassador Storefront

    • In the Copy theme code editor, find the ambassador-storefront page template. Copy the entire page

    • In the Live theme code editor, find the same page template. Paste everything you copied.

    • Save

3. Update the Customer Account page in your Live theme

Method One: Your Account Page was updated by adding Ambassador Hub Profile App Block

You’ll need to determine which type of page (liquid or json) is your account page:

  • Go into “Edit Code” on your Live theme

  • Look for a page template called customers/account. This page will end in either .json or .liquid

  • Follow the corresponding steps below

(More Common) Instructions for a customers/account.liquid page

You’ll be converting your .liquid page into a .json page in order to add the LoudCrowd app block. You do this by building a json version of your account page and making your existing liquid page a section that sits inside of your new json page. This allows you to add the LoudCrowd app blocks above or below your previous account page section.

  • In “Edit Code” on your Live theme, create a new section template called ‘customers-account’

  • Find the corresponding section template in your Copy theme. Copy all the code and paste it into the Live theme ‘customers-account’ section template

  • Save

  • In your live theme, create a new page template called customers/account.json – this will exactly match the existing customers/account.liquid file. Shopify preferentially uses a json over a liquid file where both have identical names.

  • Copy the entire code from the customers/account.json file in your Copy theme into the same page in your Live theme

  • Save.

(Less Common) Instructions for a customers/account.json page

  • In Edit Code of your Live and Copy themes, go to your customers/account.json page.

  • Copy paste the entire page code from your copy theme into your live theme. This will copy the Ambassador Hub Profile app block and all its settings.

  • Save

Method Two: Account page was updated by adding Hub & Storefront links to an existing navigation menu

Typically these are managed by your ecomm/web dev team rather than by LoudCrowd. As such your team should manage the deployment steps, using the “how to build links” documentation provided by LoudCrowd (above, in Building Pages).

Method Three: Other Customizations

Typically these are managed by your ecomm/web dev team rather than by LoudCrowd. As such your team should manage the deployment steps. Coordinate with your Client Strategist to determine which modification method was used, and how to manage go-live steps.

Option 2 (Less common): Publish LoudCrowd copy theme

This option works if ALL updates – LoudCrowd and any other concurrent work – are located in the LoudCrowd copy of your live theme. This copy should reflect the most recent version of your live theme, plus the updates.

Do NOT use this method if:

  • Work has been done directly on your live theme after the date listed on the LoudCrowd copy theme.

  • Work from other copy theme(s) have been merged into your live theme after the date listed on the LoudCrowd copy theme.

  • You have other web dev teams working in your live theme or in other theme copies.


  1. Download your current live theme file (in case you need to revert)

  2. Click Publish on the copy theme that contains your changes

  3. Rename your now live copy (optional)

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