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How to manually respond to live IG Stories

LoudCrowd now enables brands to manually respond and reward any active Instagram Story tags directly from the platform

Al Nafea avatar
Written by Al Nafea
Updated over a week ago

Your brand is potentially receiving tons of great Instagram Story tags per day from valuable customers. It's widely understood that engaging with your customers, either through spot gifting or personalized responses, makes them much more likely to tag you again. LoudCrowd now enables you to manually respond to any Active Story and include a spot gift, directly from the platform.

Sending a Message via a Customer Profile

  1. Navigate to the Content tab

  2. Filter for your Active Stories by clicking on the saved filters button and selecting Active Stories. The resulting page will filter for your social handle's Active Stories.

  3. Select the Story you want to manually respond to. Click on the Message button, then create your message from scratch or select from a template to get started.

  4. Or, you can select the Story then click on the customers username to be directed to their LoudCrowd profile.

  5. In the top right corner of the individual's customer profile, hit the message button.

  6. Create your message by starting from scratch or a template. Templates can be created in the Messages tab of LoudCrowd.

  7. Consider attaching a reward to your message. Having a DM reward set up via the Rewards Management tab is required.

  8. Once complete, send the message and move on to the next Active Story you want to respond to.

Setting up a message template (optional)

  1. Navigate to the Messages tab on the lefthand navigation bar

  2. Hit the Create Message button in the top right corner

  3. Create your templated message

  4. Toggle the automation trigger off and hit save

  5. Your message can now be used for any manual reply

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I reuse the same language, but add tweaks?

Create a template that you like in the Messages tab, then customize it by following the steps above.

How quickly does the message send in Instagram?

Almost immediately.

How do the reward codes work?

Like any LoudCrowd reward, set up the reward and upload discount codes generated by your e-Commerce platform.

Can I manually respond to Reels, in-feed posts, or expired Stories?

Not at this time, due to Meta's limitations.

Can I send a manual response to multiple people at once?

Not at this time.

When the message is sent out, which inbox (primary or general) will the message live in?

The Story Reply will go to the Primary or General inbox based on your IG settings. For example, if you follow the customer, the message will go to your Primary inbox.

What happens if a Story comes through as a message request?

It will move into your General inbox. If you’ve had a previous message thread with the customer, then the request will automatically move into the previous inbox it was in (Primary or General)

What happens if my message contains a reward and I've run out of discount codes?

Your message will not send.

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