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Auto Story Replies: Navigation, Setup, and FAQs

LoudCrowd's Auto Story Replies product enables brands to automatically respond and ANY account that mentions them in an Instagram Story

Al Nafea avatar
Written by Al Nafea
Updated over a year ago

LoudCrowd works when you're not...make sure all of your customers and fans are getting replies, even over nights and weekends. With LoudCrowd's Auto Story Replies product, you will never miss an opportunity to engage and reward customers mentioning your brand in an Instagram Story.

Navigating your Auto Story Reply hub

  1. Navigate to the Messages section to enter your Auto Story Reply hub. You'll immediately enter the Manage tab and see:

    1. Existing messages along with each's on/off status, number of discount codes remaining, number of deliveries, etc.

    2. A 'Create message' button for setting up new replies

    3. An 'Activity' tab to show all Auto Story Reply activity

  2. Clicking into your Activity tab will show a detailed view of all of your Auto Story Reply history. If you have several messages live, this will display all message history collectively. You'll also see:

    1. Number of unique recipients

    2. Number of replies

    3. Number of rewards sent

    4. Total EMV

Filtering through your Auto Story Reply Activity Feed

You have several options to filter through the Auto Story Replies sent. To filter, navigate to the 'Activity tab' and hit 'Add filter'. You'll then be able to filter for messages meeting any of the below criteria:

  • Message Date: filter for replies sent within a certain date

  • Message Keywords: filter for a keyword used in a message that was sent out

  • Template Name: filter for a specific reply that is setup as a message

  • Reward: filter for replies with a specific reward (note, one reward can be applied to multiple messages)

  • Sending method: filter for either Manual Templates, Manual Custom, or Automatic Send

  • Customers: filter for customers that are members of the below sub-filters

    • Segment

    • Programs

    • Username

    • Biography aka having a certain bio keyword

    • Follower Count aka having a certain follower count

Note that you can also exclude messages from any segment via the "Exclude" button.

Creating a new Auto Story Reply

  1. Hit the 'Create message' button in your 'Manage' hub. Your Auto Story Reply setup wizard should appear.

  2. Enter the name of your new message. It's best to provide adequate detail to quickly distinguish between other messages you may plan to create.

  3. Choose which social account the message applies to. Note that Auto Story Replies work with any Instagram social account.

  4. Type up the content of your message. You are limited to 900 characters, per the limitations of Instagram.

  5. Attach a reward if applicable. Ensure the reward has discount codes, via your Reward management hub. You can apply one reward to multiple messages.


  6. Hit 'Next' to begin segmenting your reply.

  7. Segment / filter your reply for certain profiles / activities. LoudCrowd's Auto Story Replies currently enables you to:

    1. Send to anyone OR to members who meet certain stackable criteria like:

      1. Follower Count threshold

      2. Member of a certain Segment

      3. Member of an existing LoudCrowd program

      4. Creator bio containing a certain keyword

    2. Send after a certain number of Story mentions (default to 1 Story mention)

    3. Prevent send to recipients of any other auto message and/or during a certain timeframe


  8. Finally, confirm the details of your Auto Story Reply before setting it live.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I turn off my Auto Story Reply at anytime?

Yes, toggling your message is as simple as hitting the Auto Off / Auto On button in your Messages hub.

What happens if my message contains a reward and I've run out of discount codes?

Your Message will automatically toggle off if you've run out of codes. To reenable the message, upload new codes and turn the reply back on.

Can I edit a live message?

No, once a message goes live you're not able to edit it. You can only edit messages while they're in draft.

Can I delete a message?

Yes, hit the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the message card and hit 'Delete' to remove the message and all of its history from your Messages hub.

Does this support multiple replies at once?

Yes, you can set up an infinite number of replies. We recommend thinking carefully about the segmentations (follower count, biography, program membership, etc.) of each of your messages.

How quickly is a DM sent?

Typically within 1-2 minutes of the Story mention.

When the message is sent out, which inbox (primary or general) will the message live in?

The Story Reply will go to the Primary or General inbox based on your IG settings. For example, if you follow the customer, the message will go to your Primary inbox.

What happens if a Story comes through as a message request?

It will move into your General inbox. If you’ve had a previous message thread with the customer, then the request will automatically move into the previous inbox it was in (Primary or General).

Can I still send a personalized message?

Auto-replies don’t preclude you from also sending a personal message. You can utilize our Manual Story Replies tool for personalized messaging.

Does this work in the evenings and on weekends?

Of course! That and making your job easier is why we built it!

Can I prevent an individual from receiving too many messages in a short timeframe?

Yes, you are able to limit based on time and other messages received.

How can I factor in Auto Story Replies into my existing LoudCrowd programs?

While program reward fulfillment cannot be conducted entirely through Auto Story Replies, the product is a great tool for automated recruitment. Data suggests that DM is the most effective way to convert one of your fans into a program member. By setting up your Story Reply to trigger to non-program members, you'll introduce an automated, powerful mechanism for recruiting new program members.

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