What is the Bulk Discount Code Generator in Shopify?
This app in Shopify gives you the ability to generate multiple sets of unique discount codes, which you can use for your Program rewards or spot gifting in LoudCrowd.
Where can I find the app in Shopify?
You can download the app here. Once the app is is downloaded, log into your Shopify account. Navigate to your Apps, then select Bulk Discount Code Generator.
How do I use the Bulk Discount Code Generator?
Click the Create Discount Set button
Fill in all of the below fields:
Discount Set section
Title: What is the discount code your generating?
Select Generator Random codes or Provide Specific Codes
Enter the number of codes to generate and the code length
Options section
Discount Type: Select Percentage, Fixed Amount, Free Shipping, or Buy X Get Y
Enter in the Discount Value based on the selection above
Applies To section
Select Entire Order, Specific Collections, or Specific Products
Minimum Requirement
Select None, Minimum Purchase Amount, or Minimum Quantity of items
Usage Limits section
Check the box for Limit number of times each code can be used in total, then enter in 1
Optional: Check the box to limit to one use per customer
Active Dates section
Select the date you'd like your codes to be activated
Optional: select an end date for your codes to de-activate
How do I export the generated codes?
Navigate back to your Apps, then select Bulk Discount Code Generator. Hover your mouse over the amount of codes that are imported, then select Go To Discount.
Select View All Codes in the top right corner.
Select Export in the top right corner, then select All Discount Codes and export as a CSV for Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet programs option.
Click Export Discount Codes
Generate 500 unique codes for your 20% discount reward for your Social Rewards Program.
Generate 200 unique codes for a $50 site credit to use for spot gifting high quality content.
Can the codes be valid towards specific products?
Yes. To do so, under the Applies To section, select the Specific Products option. You can then select the products you'd like the code to be used for.
How do I make an item free using the Bulk Discount Code Generator?
Under Options, select Percentage as the Discount Type. Then, make the Discount Value 100% off. Under Applies to, select the Specific Products option, then select the product you'd like to give to your Program members.
Can I customize the codes, so I can easily track the code usage?
Yes. In the Discount Set section, select Show Advanced Options. Now you can add a prefix or suffix to your code, or specify if you'd like the codes to be letters and/or numbers.
Can I preview what the generated codes will look like before I generate them?
Yes. On the right hand side, you'll find the Summary of the codes you are about to generate, along with an example code.
Now that your codes are generated, follow refer to these steps on how to create and manage your rewards in LoudCrowd and how to use LoudCrowd for social gifting.
Still, need help getting set up?
Reach out to [email protected] and our Customer Success team will be happy to assist you!