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Anatomy Of A Social Rewards Page (aka landing page)

Everything You Need To Get Started!

Lauren McClurg avatar
Written by Lauren McClurg
Updated over a week ago

What is a Social Rewards Page?

A Social Rewards page (aka "landing page") is how your customers will sign up for your Social Rewards and/or Affiliate program. The landing page is an imperative element to your program as this page will receive inbound interest from potential ambassadors and can save you an abundance of time managing the process manually.

Why Do We Need A Social Rewards Page?

Program landing pages are the best way to get your customers excited about posting and give them everything they need to be an awesome member of your program. This includes rewards they can receive, post guidelines, content inspiration, and important FAQs.

What Makes A Standout Social Rewards Page?

Heavily Branded (Catchy Program Name), Community Focused, Lots of UGC examples to generate excitement, clear expectations, and fun rewards!

What Needs To Be On My Social Rewards Page?

We recommend having the following on your landing page (LoudCrowd Sign Up Modal, How It Works, Reward Structure, Post Rules, UGC Examples, What makes a Great Ambassador, FAQ’s, T&Cs)

Do you have examples of other Social Reward Pages?

Social Rewards Page Examples:
Check out some of our favorite pages from our customers.

How Do I Create A LoudCrowd Signup Modal?

Modal Button/Embed Script Creator: Design Customization: LoudCrowd makes Modal Customization easy so you can ensure your sign up button matches the look and feel of your site. To customize the sign up button color and description. Login to the platform, navigate to the program tab, select "edit embed script" on the left hand side of the page, and proceed to customize with HEX color (screenshot attached). Additionally, you can add a description for your program that will display under the title of your program. Once customized, copy the updated embed script and paste it into the code of your landing page.

To add multiple popups to one page, use the embed script only once on the page, the first place you want the button. Place this snippet on the spot you'd like the other buttons to go:

<div class="lc-signup-container"></div>

Modal Preview:

Once you customize your application button, it will populate our modal that currently collects our two standard questions: Email & Instagram Handle. However, we can add additional custom fields should you need it.

Below is a preview:

What are Post Rules and Why do I need them?

Post Rules are important to ensure your ambassadors are following guidelines which will enable them to create UGC that represents your brand. However, we encourage all of our clients to tailor and add additional post rules if needed, but our standard rules are below.

Post Rules:

  • Posts must be made from accounts that are public

  • Posts must visibly display @brand

  • Maximum 5 tags per post (not counting people)

  • Posts must not be made from accounts with no previous posts

What are the standard T&Cs and can I customize them?

Absolutely! If you need to add additional T&Cs, we can add a hyperlink and work it into the design of the landing page.

Terms & Conditions:

To be eligible for rewards, you must sign up on this page and follow the post rules above. <brand> may use rewarded member photos for marketing purposes.

<brand> may update the rewards program at any time.

What are your recommended FAQs?

How do I get rewarded?

Rewards will be sent to the email you register with!

What are my reward credits eligible towards?

Your reward credits are eligible towards 1-off purchases at <brand>

When should I expect rewards?

You will receive an email at the end of the month for the highest tier achieved.

How many rewards can I earn in a month?

You will earn one reward per month, the highest reward you qualify for.

Can I get rewarded on any other social platforms?

While we encourage you to share on other platforms, we are only offering rewards for Instagram at the moment.

Are Instagram Stories included? What about Reels?

In-feed, Stories, and Reels Instagram posts are currently eligible for rewards.

What if I didn't receive my reward?

Please contact <support handle>

How do I ensure my post is valid?

Ensure you are posting from a public account, tagging the correct brand, and following the post guidelines.

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