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LoudCrowd Wrapped: Customer Stories

In 2021, our partners were able to achieve some of our greatest accomplishments to date! Check them out below.

Al Nafea avatar
Written by Al Nafea
Updated over a week ago

LoudCrowd Wrapped: 2021 Customer Stories

Our partners were able to achieve some of our greatest accomplishments to date! Whether that was having a successful program launch, growing their overall UGC, finding new ways to utilize LoudCrowd to scale their Ambassador Programs, and more! Take a look back at our customer stories as we reminisce on our accomplishments.

Beatbox Beverages was looking to strengthen and engage their amazing community through a brand ambassador program. In just 15 days, Beatbox launched a LoudCrowd Ambassador program which generated over 100 sign ups in 24 hours. Marshall Skeeters, Director of Digital Marketing, attributes the speedy program implementation to the simple and easy LoudCrowd platform configuration process. They previously attempted a similar type of program, but the setup was complicated and it quickly became difficult to manage.

Have to brag on one of our brands Grenade for creating an amazing ambassador program! Pulling the pin on UGC, their ambassadors – known as the "Recruits" – have created a huge amount of value for the brand in just 4 months, delivering a staggering 23X ROI.Deploying this army of Recruits, Grenade repurposes their content across their own social channels, supporting countless product launches and other marketing initiatives. Recruits post over TWICE as much after joining the program, getting their best followers even more engaged. Grenade used LoudCrowd's blueprint for turning existing influencers into an army of social ambassadors, and also invited new ambassadors to make this happen. Great job Grenade!

SweetWater Brewing Company

Shoutout to SweetWater Brewing Company and their marketing team who had their biggest UGC day ever on 4/20 (197 posts) and soon to be their largest month ever (about 800 posts worth $35k).

Outstanding job by Evan Woolard and the marketing team getting engagement from customers, ambassadors and partners over a great month focusing on their flagship beer Sweetwater 420. Engagement on 4/20 was almost 3x larger than any day they've ever had!

Shoutout to @Ice Shaker for unbelievable community engagement. With their marketing team's focus (shout-out to Ryan Ewalt) they've managed to increase their overall UGC content by 2.3x (to more than 300 posts / month).

Additional shoutout to @Ryan for quickly launching an ambassador program... that's been responsible for 21% of their overall UGC! The ambassadors have killed it right out of the gate and are on pace to easily drive more than +100 posts / month over the next few months.

Shoutout to our friends at Ryderwear (and their amazing activewear)... their ambassadors and micro-influencers just finished their most successful month from an ROI perspective (12x)... very much driven by the hard work of Georgia Wright, Madeleine O'Connor and Maurine Magka finding amazing ambassadors and getting them highly engaged.

Celebrations are in order for Dew Edit for an amazing start to their ambassador program. In just one month, their program has generated over 600 members and 274 posts, which is a 7x increase from the previous month. One of our favorite parts from this launch was the feedback from the high-value customers selected to be ambassadors. From one of their VIPs, "Holy moly, I haven't been this excited for something in a long time!" Congratulations to the Dew Edit team on the launch, we're excited to grow this community with you!

Steel Supplements

Congratulations are in order for the Steel Supplements team, who received 3x more posts from Rewards members in July from the previous month. From featuring rewards members on their social channels and personally inviting engaged customers to their program, their dedication to growing their community is unmatched! The team is enjoying an influx of UGC due to this strategy. Rather than scrambling to find sharable UGC, the team now has 3-4 weeks of content available for use across their channels. Honored to be growing a thriving community with you!

We want to give a shoutout to one of our longest-standing reward programs, Reina Rebelde's Tag4Swag! This all customer rewards program has an 8.3x ROI and has been a content engine for almost two years.

The Tag4Swag program makes up a THIRD of Reina Rebelde's total UGC! How'd they do it? Reina Rebelde creatively promotes Tag4Swag via QR codes in packaging, impact-focused contests (i.e. voting campaigns), and building a PR list of top performing members. Thanks for all your hard work, Reina Rebelde!

Ancestral Supplements launched their Ambassador program in July, and have already increased their overall UGC content by 30%! Here's how they did it....

  1. To get the program started, they invited their MVCs (most valuable customers) to the program. These folks led the way in cultivating a culture of UGC.

  2. Once the community was established, they opened up their program to all of their customers, which has DOUBLED their program membership and UGC posts.

Ancestral Supplements now has an army of engaged content creators that they can mobilize at any time and there’s room for more! Can’t wait to see how this program grows!

We want to give a huge shoutout to Ryderwear for joining (and surpassing) our 1K club! The Ryderwear Social Squad generated over 2,000 posts last month alone!Ryderwear has steadily grown their program the last few months by converting fans that have tagged them a few times into Social Squad Members that post 4+ times a month. They also used the Social Squad to generate content for their latest launch of the NKD Collection (see awesome photos below)!

Want to give a big shout out to Grenade, who has already gotten over 1200 stories in just TWO weeks! This more than triples the total content they have flowing into our platform.Even with such a high volume of content coming in, Grenade is staying on top of organizing that content! They're using our #labels feature to organize posts/stories around their holiday initiatives like Black Friday and their #GrenadeAdventCalendar launch!

LoudCrowd makes it so much easier to keep track of our content. No more spreadsheets or having 100 tabs open at a time. A huge time saver!" - Dyllan Guthrie, Community Coordinator, Team Lead at Chatbooks

Freedom Rave Wear has one of our fastest growing Ambassador Programs to date. In just 1 month, they were able to grow their program membership to 876 members through email announcements, website banners, and social media promotion. To put their growth into perspective, Freedom Rave Wear saw 77% more UGC posts during the October 2021 EDC Music Festival compared to the October 2019 EDC Music Festival, all thanks to their Ambassador posts this year. Keep up the great work team!" LoudCrowd has been a great switch for our ambassador program. It is easy to use, hands-off and creates great results. We really enjoy being able to reward our customers for creating content and showing off their style and creativity in our clothing." - Courtney Duke, Marketing Director at Freedom Rave Wear

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